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How To Set A Trailing Sell Stop

Suppose you want to ride a stock up but sell the moment it experiences a 10% correction.

Use a Trailing Stop. To do a Trailing Stop you simply select it on your brokers trading page.

Then you are given 2 choices:

1> do you want to work with “points” or “percentages”. I usually use percentages.
2>the second choice is the increment:. Do you want to sell at a 10% drop or a 15% drop?
(put whatever percentage in here)

Now your stock will be sold whenever the stock experiences the % drop you specified.

For example, if you set a 10% trailing stop on YYY and the stock rises to 3.83. Your trigger (the price you sell at) is adjusted to 3.83 – 10% = 3.45. Should the stock hit 3.45 it gets sold. The trigger stays at this price until YYY climbs above 3.83, then the trigger moves up accordingly.

Your trailing stop price always trails by the set percentage and can only move up, it never moves down.


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